Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

My Thanksgiving Weekend....
Thursday- I woke up around 10:30 and got ready to go to Grandma's house! Went to grandma's and ate some yummy food! Hung out with my cousins, played games, talked.. the usual. I was talking to my cousin Kellie and she invited me to go to six flags that night with her! Who wouldn't turn that down?!! So i went home packed and off we left!
Friday and Saturday- Six Flags!! I have been there three other times but this time was my FAVORITE time! My favorite rides were...
They were the best rides!!!
..But anyways.. Saturday while i was having a good time riding all the coasters i was sitting in line at Goliath.. just talking and texting. We finally get on! So if you have been on Goliath before there are no loops or nothing they just have a very tall drop.I was sitting next to my cousin and i had my hands up in the air and screaming! All of a sudden my cousin starts screaming at me... YOUR PHONE, TAYLOR YOUR PHONE! yep thats right my phone flew out on Goliath. I forgot to put it in my back pocket and now its gone. I'm so stupid! But anyways.. i hope everyone had a great 4 day weekend.
26 days till... Christmas!